The connection between gut health and skin health: What you need to know | skin care | skin health | gut health | glowing skin

 The connection between gut health and skin health: What you need to know

You all must have heard the saying, "The way to the heart goes through the stomach," but perhaps we all need to understand that the way to glowing skin also passes through the stomach.

Yes, if your gut health is not good, forget about having healthy skin because until you are clean from the inside, you cannot be clean from the outside either.

Let’s understand this with an example—imagine taking a dirty glass and cleaning it only from the outside without touching the inside. Can we drink water from that glass? No! Because we haven't cleaned it from the inside, it remains dirty and still looks unclean. To make that glass suitable for drinking water, we need to wash it both inside and outside. Similarly, gut health and skin health share the same relationship—until your stomach is clean, your skin will not be clear either.

So, let’s find out how maintaining gut health can help you achieve healthy skin.

Things we should reduce in our diet

Reduce the use of refined flour (maida)
Avoid consuming food made from refined flour, such as namkeen, biscuits, or other items that contain maida because it takes a long time to digest and is not good for our health.

Don't take sugar
Sugar is a refined element of jaggery, which is not good for our health. Moreover, burning its calories requires excessive workouts, and even then, we might not burn all of them. Instead of sugar, we can use jaggery, dates, or naturally sweet alternatives.

Don't take oily foods
Reduce the consumption of fried and oily foods, as they are not good for our health.

Don't eat too much
Overeating is not good for our health. Eating excessively can cause indigestion, which directly affects gut health.

Reduce dairy products
Excessive consumption of dairy products can also have negative effects on our health. So, minimize the intake of dairy products as much as possible.

Consuming too much of these foods makes our blood impure and thick, slowing down blood circulation and reducing oxygen supply in the blood. This affects not only our overall health but also starts showing side effects on our skin. If we take these side effects as warning signs and work on them immediately, both our skin and health will automatically improve together.

What to do to maintain good gut health

Lemon water
Drink lemon water in the morning. It hydrates our body, improves digestion, and detoxifies our system.

Ash gourd juice
This juice—oh my God!—is amazing for your gut health. It has no particular taste, but it fully detoxifies your body and makes your skin healthy.

Coconut water
Coconut water is highly beneficial for gut health. It also keeps your skin and body hydrated.

Eat fruits daily
A fruit a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits improve the digestive system and keep your stomach healthy.

Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 3 liters of water daily. It helps remove toxic elements from your body and keeps your gut healthy.

Thank you!


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