Hair oil benefits | How to apply hair oil | Hair regrowth | Hair porosity | How to choose correct hair oil | Hair care | Hair fall

 Hair oiling Benefits, choosing oil, and how to do it, and what not to do.

The question of whether applying oil to hair actually strengthens it has always been a topic of debate. Many people argue that one should not apply oil to their hair because the scalp naturally produces oil, while others claim that oiling the hair strengthens the roots. Today, we will discuss whether one should apply oil to their hair, how much, and how.
so, the answer is yes you should apply oil in your hair.

How to apply oil in hair:-

The best way to apply oil to your hair is to lightly warm the oil so that when you apply it to your scalp, it reaches the roots and works effectively.

How to choose correct hair oil:-
Choosing the right oil for your hair is a crucial step, but before selecting an oil, you need to understand your hair type and its porosity. Knowing your hair's porosity and type allows you to tailor your hair care routine accordingly, which in turn promotes hair growth and strengthens the roots.

what is hair porosity? (Hair porosity refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture.) 

There are three main types of hair porosity:

# Low porosity:- In low porosity hair, it's challenging for moisture to penetrate and often takes time. Therefore, it's advisable to use lightweight products that can easily create moisture in the hair.

 # Medium porosity:-Medium porosity is considered an ideal stage for hair because it retains moisture properly and has good elasticity, resulting in less hair damage and stronger hair.

# High porosity:-Hair with high porosity has gaps and holes in the cuticle layer, allowing moisture to enter easily but making it difficult to retain. This type of hair often appears dry and frizzy 

how to check the porosity of hair:-

ou can check the porosity of your hair using a simple test.               Here's how:

  •         Take some clean, freshly washed hair strands.
  •         Put them in a bowl of water.
  •         And then wait for a little while.
  •         If the hair floats, it's likely low porosity.
  •         If it sinks slowly, it's probably medium porosity.
  •         If it sinks quickly, it's likely high porosity.

 Oils according to their hair porosity :-

# Low porosity:- Argan oil and jojoba oil are best suited for low porosity hair.

# Medium porosity:- Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and almond oil are the best options for medium porosity hair.

 # High porosity :- Castor oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil are quite beneficial for high porosity hair.

How long should we apply oil to our hair?

Whether you leave oil in your hair for at least 30 minutes or overnight depends on you and your schedule.

After applying oil, we should pay attention to the following:-

After applying oil, it's important to protect your hair from dust and dirt to prevent dirt buildup and avoid resting your head on dirty pillows. When washing your hair, make sure to wash it thoroughly to remove any remaining oil, so double cleansing is necessary.



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